
前原冬樹《一刻》縄文土器 re-born

土器 : 千葉県加曽利貝塚(加曽利 E 式)紀元前 3000 年頃 この縄文土器は残念ながら象徴的な一部が欠損している。前原の力があれば限りなく元通りに修復する事も可能だろう。しかしそれでは面白くない。 本作において前原は新たな修復の在り方を示した。持ち前の技術力と想像力でこの欠損部分を一本の木から彫り出し、欠けた土器の断面にピタリと合わせた。しかし、接着はしたくなかった。この土器が元の姿にも戻せるように。その為、どの様に固定するか考え抜いた。その結果として、土器にかかる負荷を考慮し、固定具として 29 ものパーツを新たに彫った。この飛び出した釘は単なる意匠ではない。全てに意味がある機能美なのである。

"One Moment" on Jomon Pottery by Fuyuki Maehara

Pottery: Kasori Shell Mounds, Chiba Prefecture (Kasori E style), approx. 3000 BC. This pottery from the Jomon period (13,000 BC to 400 BC) unfortunately lost a part of its iconic feature. With Maehara’s help, it would’ve been no problem restoring it to nearly its original state. But there’s no fun in that. With this work, Maehara demonstrated a new way of repairing. With his inherent skills and creativity, he carved the missing part out of a single piece of wood and perfectly matched it to the broken surface. But he did not want to glue it to the pottery so that it could return to its original form anytime. So he had to think of a way to fix the part. After much thought, he carved as many as 29 new parts as fixtures, considering the load placed on the pottery. These protruding nails are not mere design, but functional beauty that has a specific meaning.

Material: Magnolia, box wood, oil painting and charcoal

43cm×36.5cm ×54.4cm(H)

Material: Magnolia, box wood, oil painting and charcoal

43cm×36.5cm ×54.4cm(H)