
空き缶 本郷真也

本郷真也はクレージーな人間だ。彼はあえてSPCCという主に工業用の鍛金には向かない硬い鉄板を使用し、この作品を打ち出しで制作した。 これは金工の知識がある方なら分かると思うが、体操で言うとG難度以上の人間離れした技巧だ。 また作品を作る工程も面白い。鉄板が割れない様に丁寧に叩きながら、まずは綺麗な完璧な円形の缶を時間をかけて形成する。 そして勝負は一瞬。完成した缶を転がして、踏みつけるのだ。破れれば終わりだが、リアルを追い求める本郷らしい実直な作品作りだ。 花器に見立て、飾ってみるのも面白いと思う。

An empty can by Shinya Hongo

Sinya Hongo is rather an extraordinary person. He produced his piece of an empty can with repoussé using a hard iron plate named SPCC which is the least suitable for industrial forging. Anyone who claims to be a metal-fittings savvy well understand this procedure is the equivalent of above-G level difficulty in the gymnastics field. His procedure itself is also intriguing. First, he takes a long time to shape a beautiful and perfectly round can hammering the iron plate without breaking it. Game is on only for a second. He rolls the finished can and tramples on it. It is game over if he breaks it, but this procedure is very much Hongo-like for he seeks for the realness of his art. It would be quite interesting if you made it look like a flower base for your adornment.



