
佐藤 裕一郎
(Yuichiro Sato )

979年山形県生まれ。2005年東北芸術工科大学大学院 芸術文化専攻 日本画領域修了。文化庁新進芸術家海外研修を機に2016年より制作の本拠をフィンランドに置く。主な展覧会に「META」神奈川県民ホールギャラリー (2023)。個展にtm・gallery ヘルシンキ (2018) 、「The Forest - between reality and the imaginary」ユヴァスキュラ美術館 (2019)、「The Depth of Silence」Makasiini Contemporary トゥルク(2022)などがある。 第8回 東山魁夷記念日経日本画大賞展選考委員特別賞、 第13回 創造する伝統賞(公益財団法人日本文化藝術財団)を受賞。2021年「In the Air Ⅲ / 2019年制作」が大英博物館(ロンドン)に収蔵された。

Born in Yamagata, Japan in 1979. Graduated the master's program at the Tohoku University of Art and Design, graduate school of Japanese Painting in 2005. In 2016, he stayed in Finland under the Agency for Cultural Affairs' Overseas Study Program for Up-and-Coming Artists (1 year). Since then, he has continued to live and work in Finland. His major exhibitions include "META" at the Kanagawa Prefectural Hall Gallery (2023). Solo exhibitions include tm-gallery Helsinki (2018), "The Forest - between reality and the imaginary" the Jyväskylä Art Museum (2019), "The Depth of Silence" Makasiini Contemporary Turku (2022). He received the 8th Kaii Higashiyama Memorial Nikkei Japanese Painting Award Selection Committee Special Prize, and the 13th Creative Tradition Prize (Japanese Art Culture Foundation.) The work "In the Air III / Work in 2019" is in the collection of the British Museum in London.

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