Born in Oita city. Studied under his father Shono Shounsai. Graduated from the sculpture department of Musashino University of Fine Arts. In his early period he experimented with work combining metal and wood with bamboo. In recent years he has focused on materials of bamboo and today continues to produce works which make use of the natural surface skin of madake bamboo that has been abura-nuki treated. Tokuzo does not limit himself to existing weaving techniques, but rather continues of freely develop his own unique style, as seen in such works as Taikai, To, and Kai-u. Juji,the basket included in this exhibition, is also representative of this trend in Tokuzo`s works. Exhibited in the 1978 Japan Traditional Art Crafts exhibition. Began exhibitions in the Nitten exhibitions in 1979 and was awarded a Tokusen prize in 1998. Has exhibited works and received numerous awards in the Shin-kogeiten exhibitions since 1980 , and was awarded the Special Member`s Prize in 1993.
1942年 大分市に生まれる
64年 武蔵野美術大学彫刻科卒 父・祥雲斎に師事
74年 祥雲斎没後、作家活動に入る
79年 第11回日展初入選 以後、毎回入選
80年 第2回日本新工芸展初入選 以後、毎回入選
90年 第12回日本新工芸展 会員賞受賞
93年 第15回日本新工芸展 会員特別賞受賞
98年 第30回日展 特選受賞
02年 大分空港ターミナルビル貴賓室インテリア「空華」制作
15年 大分県立美術館開館記念 モダン百花繚乱「大分世界美術館」展・招待出品
16年 第38回日本新工芸展 文部化学大臣賞受賞
ビクトリア・アルバート美術館、メトロポリタン美術館、ボストン美術館、サンフランシスコ アジア美術館、クラクフ マンガセンター、大分県立美術館 OPAM、大分市美術館